What to Expect
Project Resource is offered via 5-week trainings where we explore our own relationship with money, our “why,” generational characteristics of giving, annual giving and campaigns, and major gifts.
Giving of oneself financially unlocks a part of our hearts where God can do incredible work, both in us and through us. As part of our baptismal covenant, we believe we are called to reconcile ourselves to one another and to God. Fundraising is not a means to an end. Rather, fundraising as ministry is a radical act of reconciliation; a process that can both draw the giver closer to God and repair an unjust world. Project Resource provides the tools to inspire radical generosity and engage faith communities in this life-changing work. Join us on the journey of changing a culture of stewardship in The Episcopal Church.
“The conference was transformational for the Stewardship Team at my church. I assembled a team and talked about what I had learned from the conference. We then decided what elements we could institute in our “shortened” stewardship year as we want this to be a year round process but we were starting in June. We did ministry moments where the youth spoke about the impact the congregation’s giving has on them. Another person spoke about the fact that the congregation’s giving and our ability to support two priests, allowed his family to have one of the priest’s at a destination wedding for his daughter and the impact that had on his family. We also did a video of many of the ministries and activities that happen because the parishioners give to our church. The video was particularly impactful and brought many to tears when they thought about all that happens because people give of their time and money. This is the first time I have worked with a group that are excited about doing stewardship and doing it year round. The ideas they have for thank yous, focusing on giving (a Giving Tree at Easter instead of Christmas) and other elements has been exciting and encouraging. So thank you and those you work with, for all the time, blood, sweat and tears that go into putting on a conference like this. It is greatly appreciated. ”