Spring Training Teams

Epiphany- Tempe - Diocese of ARizona

St. James Parish - Diocese of Connecticut

St. Michaels - Diocese of Oklahoma

Church of St. Paul in the Desert - Diocese of San Diego

St. Andrew’s - Diocese of Louisiana

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church - Diocese of Louisiana

Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church - Diocese of Northern CaliforniA

Christ Episcopal Church - Diocese of Western Missouri

St. Martin’s Church - Diocese of Rhode Island

St. Augustine’s, Wilmette - Diocese of Chicago

Grace Church of West Feliciana - Diocese of Louisiana

Chapel of the Cross - Diocese of North Carolina

Grace Episcopal Church, Yorktown - Diocese of Southern Virginia

Holy Innocents - Diocese of California

Holy Cross Episcopal Church - Diocese of Upper South Carolina

Church of St. Jude - Diocese of Long Island

The Falls Church - Diocese of Virginia

Holy Trinity Clemson - Diocese of Upper South Carolina

St. Bartholomew’s - Diocese of New York

Emmanuel Memphis - Diocese of West Tennessee

St. Anne’s Episcopal Church - Diocese of East Carolina

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church - Phoenix

St Columba - Southeast Florida

Lawrencefield Parish Church - WEst Virginia

St. John’s Episcopal Church - Southern Ohio

Grace Church Parish - West Tennessee

All Saints Ft Lauderdale - Southeast Florida

Christ Church of the Epiphany, Eden - North Carolina

Advent Episcopal Church - Arizona

St. John’s Thibodaux - Louisiana

St. James Episcopal Church - Vermont

Christ Episcopal Church - East Carolina

Trustees of the Funds - Southwestern Virginia

Diocesan Staff - Diocese of Delaware

Diocesan Staff - Diocese of Southern Virginia