1: Create a plan for receiving gifts
Parishes need to have an infrastructure in place for receiving planned gifts. Ensuring there are transparent ways for communicating how gifts are received and used is vital for bolstering a planned giving program.
Additionally, some gifts may not be at an advantage for the parish to receive. Gift acceptance policies ensures that leadership is able to make wise decisions.
Below are resources that can be used in developing a healthy, transparent infrastructure:
Example Resources
- Gifts of Stock Examples (.doc) (.pdf)
- Gift Acceptance Policy (.doc) (.pdf)
- Calvary Episcopal Church Planned Giving Brochure (.pdf)
Planned Giving Brochures and Booklets from Episcopal Church Foundation
ECF's planned giving brochures and booklets are available for free download below. Additionally, printed copies are available for purchase through Forward Movement.
Planned Giving Brochures: present the basics of planned giving, explaining the how and why, as well as the different kinds of gifts that are possible
- Planned Giving: Stewards of God's Bounty
- Charitable Gift Annuity: Guarantee an Income for Life
- Charitable Remainder Trust: Help Loved Ones and the Church
- Pooled Income Fund: Give and You Shall Receive
- Writing Your Will: Where There's a Will There's a Way
Planned Giving Booklets: explain in depth how planned gifts work, and provide instructions and application forms
- Planned Giving: Stewards of God's Bounty
- Planning for the End of Life: Faithful Stewards of Your Good Gifts
- Charitable Gift Annuity: Guarantee an Income for Life
- Charitable Remainder Trust: Help Your Loved Ones and the Church
- Pooled Income Fund: Give and You Shall Receive
Online Resources: